Coaching Call Schedule

Join Sylvia Cheuy and to ask questions and get more personalized feedback.

Thursday, December 16 — 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET

Thursday, January 20 —  3:30 pm  - 4:30 pm ET

Monday, February 7 —  3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET

Thursday, March 24 —  1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET

Monday,  April 25 —  3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET

These dates are subject to change. We will provide learners with the meeting dial-in details 2-3 weeks prior to the scheduled date.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Meet Sylvia, Your Collective Impact Instructor
    • Grab Your Course Workbook and Get Started - Please Download the PDF and fill it out as you go
  • 2

    Module 1: Why Collective Impact?

    • Lesson 1 - What is Collective Impact?
    • Lesson 2 - 3 Ways Collective Impact Invites us to Think Differently
    • Lesson 3 - Recap & Resources
    • TOOL | Collaboration Spectrum
    • TOOL | Assessing Collective Impact Readiness
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    Module 2: The Essential Elements of Collective Impact

    • Lesson 1 - Introduction
    • Lesson 2 - The 3 Pre-Conditions & 5 Conditions of Collective Impact
    • Lesson 3 - Example of Collective Impact in Action
    • Lesson 4 - Resources
    • PAPER | Collective Impact 3.0
    • TOOL | Mapping Our Ecosystem
    • TOOL | Top 100 Engagement
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    Module 3 - The How Part 1 | Creating Your Common Agenda

    • Lesson 1 - Introduction
    • Lesson 2 - Defining a Common Agenda
    • Lesson 3 - Recap and Resources
    • TOOL | Common Agenda Planning Canvas
    • TOOL | Critical Shifts
    • TOOL | Plan on a Page
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    Module 4: The How Part 2 | Data, Shared Measurement and Continuous Learning

    • Lesson 1 - Introduction
    • Lesson 2 - The Role of Shared Measurement in Collective Impact
    • Lesson 3 - Example of Shared Measurement
    • Lesson 4 - Clarifying the Connection Between Evaluation, Shared Measurement Systems & Shared Measures
    • Lesson 5 - Recap and Resources
    • TOOL | Shared Measurement Mapping
    • TOOL | Getting to Impact Outcomes Diary
    • [OPTIONAL] TOOL | Hosting a Data Walk
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    Module 5: The How Part 3 | Building Your Backbone Infrastructure

    • Lesson 1 - Introduction
    • Lesson 2 - What is a Collective Impact Backbone?
    • Lesson 3 - Collaborative Governance | A Framework That Enables The Backbone to Lead Together
    • Lesson 4 - Resources
    • TOOL | Collaborative Governance Framework
    • TOOL | Gives Gets & Constraints
    • TOOL | Establishing Values and Principles for Working Together
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    Module 6: Exploring the 5 Phases of Collective Impact

    • Lesson 1 - Introduction
    • Lesson 2 - Overview of the 4 Pillars of Success in Designing a Collective Impact Initiative
    • Lesson 3 - Review of the 5 Phases of Maturity
    • Lesson 4 - Recap and Resources
    • TOOL | CI 5 Phases Self Assessment Reflection & Planning
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    • Concluding Thoughts
    • Submit Your Feedback
    • The Tamarack Collective Impact Toolkit


  • Help! I can’t access my course.

    We can help you with that- please send us an email at [email protected], and include the email that you registered for the course with. We will send you your login information, along with instructions on how to access the course.

  • How can I follow along with the course I am taking?

    Each course comes with a course workbook, which can be accessed in the introduction lesson of the course. If you cannot find your course workbook, please reach out to [email protected], and we will provide it for you.

  • Which internet browser should I use?

    Tamarack’s courses are hosted through an online platform called Thinkific. The platform supports Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari. Please note that this does not include Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  • Will I receive a certificate for completing this course?

    Yes. All registrants who complete the course to 100% will receive a printable certificate that acknowledges the completion of this course. If you have completed this course and not received your certificate, please contact us at [email protected]

  • Can I download the resources in my course?

    You can! While the videos cannot be saved, each resource, including the course workbook, can be downloaded for later use. Get the most from the course!

  • Is there a time limit on completing this course?

    Anyone starting a course will have 6 months to complete the course, starting from the date you receive your access details. If you are running out of time to complete the course and would like to request an extension, please email [email protected] with the email title "Course Extension Request" and the course you are currently enrolled in.

  • How do I go back to view previous course topics?

    The full list of course topics can be selected by clicking on the list icon, located in the top left of the Thinkific page. You can select any lesson available, as well as the resources contained within

  • Can I write directly into the workbook?

    We encourage all registrants to download the file, as Thinkific does not store any of the information entered into PDFs. There are text boxes to enter your notes and answers in within the workbook. You can also print the workbook and follow along with that way, if you prefer.

  • What’s the best way to ask questions about the content?

    For each resource, there is a Discussion section that appears in a black box above. You can ask questions related to that resource. For broader content-related questions, please keep an eye out for an email with the dial-in details for the monthly small group coaching call with Sylvia.